Policies & FAQ


Ready to ship units will ship within 1-3 business days.

We use USPS Priority shipping which takes about 3-4 business days. These 3-4 days don't include the above processing times.


 Q: Will this wig fit my head?

A: The wigs come with an adjustable band that can fit anyone's head size. There are also two small adjustable strings under the band that can connect to the small pockets just incase you need even more support.

Q: If I have questions about the wig can I email you. 

A: Yes, Please select the Contact tab on this website. You can also DM me on Instagram @thedrekarter

Q: Is the wig really ready to wear?

A: Yes! All you have to do is hot comb the top a bit, so that the wig shapes onto your head.

What are Pre-Orders?

Pre-orders are a way to guarantee you receive a unit. Sometimes my wigs sell out, and not everyone is able to get one. To avoid this, I put my most purchased wigs on pre-order. This way when you order a unit, it will take a bit longer to come (1-2 weeks) but you don't have to worry about missing out.

You will know if a wig is under Pre-order if it says it in the description box under pricing information. 

Shipping Policy

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a Tracking Number via Email. Please make sure your email is correct when checking out.

After an order is in the hands of USPS, we are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged packaging. Please contact your local post office if you do encounter any problems.

Please make sure your address is correct at check out, as we are not responsible for making sure this is correct. We are not responsible if your package is shipped to the wrong address. If you need to return your order, you are responsible for paying the shipping fee again.